Thank you, David, for reminding us of Caesar Chavez' leadership in organizing California farm workers into a union, the work of CRLA and your own work in Calexico, and all the benefits to society of strong unions . Let us hope that the union movement regains momentum and grows once again in the United States.

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I share in your nostalgia for the past. It suits us at our present age, but it hardly makes up for the scandalous way that corporations such as Amazon, Uber, Starbucks, and others are allowed to union-bust and hound their workers, sometimes to death. Others, like Wells Fargo, the Sacklers, and others cheat their customers and are left to enjoy their wealth as though what they did was done merely in the name of competition. The examples you give of incipient unionization due to various grassroots movements is inspiring, but the overall picture is grim. Conditions and attitudes have changed and the likelihood that we will ever again enjoy the benefits of a consumer boycott like the one that succeeded ultimately against the grape growers who resisted the unionization of their employees is nil.

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Great work Dad! Your work in Calexico, CA with Cesar Chavez is inspiring! Your contribution to social justice speaks to one example of positive change to the way this country treats and supports immigrants to the United States, by promoting social justice and labor rights that benefit not just immigrants, but all Americans and lead to policies of social and economic equality and justice! I say, support labor unions if you would like to see greater economic equality and justice for all!

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Wonderful piece, David, speaking to the power and advantages of unions for the common good.

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