Nov 28, 2021Liked by Littlepeople

Provocative Question: Let us know the response

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This, from Alexander Auerbach:

Sun, Nov 28, 6:11 PM

Put aside the motivation of the flash mobs who smashed display cases, terrified shoppers and store clerks, and assaulted security guards earning minimum wage. Perhaps they truly were impoverished, and used their last few dollars to buy hammers and organize a fleet of late-model getaway cars.

Look at where their loot will go. The items taken from Louis Vuitton and Nordstrom won’t end up warming the homeless. They will be sold to middle-income buyers who possess the requisite cash, label fixation and ethical flexibility. Unlike assets, greed and self-interest are distributed equitably among all income categories.

Alex Auerbach

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I tend to think that the term "Organized Crime" implies Mafia, Crips, Los Zeta and their ilk and I don't think the rash of group thievery we are seeing is any more organized than a group of like minded thugs thinking they can get away with the smash and grab. And too, most seem to be copycats nowadays. So, I would say these occurrences have a lot to do with the wealth and income inequality. When you're at the economic bottom and being kept that way by the lack of government investment in society, what's to lose? David

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